Dangers Of Using A Headset With A Long Time

Listening to music with loud volume and High become a trend and satisfaction for some portion of people, both teenagers, even children of Parents also wanted no less competitive than more mature.
But it is different if you do not disturb people around, here sometimes we need to use a headset or earphones, so as not to disturb others of course.If you already use any headset there is also a negative influence, here I will share how to prevent danger headset when you use it.

The human ear turned out to have the structure and function of extraordinary. In addition to delivering process so that we can hear the sound, in the ear there is also a process to reduce noise exposure. But, the ear also has a limited ability to hear, so the dose or limit how long he may be exposed certain sound may not exceed the dose or overdose.Because Moreover, the risk of a decline in auditory function or trauma noise will become larger, long bias long bias into the Deaf.Some places or specific activities it also has the intensity and frequency of sound that could harm hearing if exposed too long.Why? If the sound intensity over the permitted doses, there will be a disruption in the cochlea (cochlea), where here there is a process change mechanical energy into electrical energy. Vibrating hair cells which should transmission mechanical sound becomes corrupted.Five Minutes Per Day

The modern lifestyle is also very influential on hearing health. Not to mention our environment that turns out full of noise.
For example, a game center in shopping malls that turned out to be very noisy. A study showed that in a noisy room ranges between 40-60 decibels. It is quite high. Children who play in these places has a large noise exposure, so there is the risk of suffering from the trauma of hearing loss due to noise or the sound of a very loud (noise-induced hearing loss).
Risks Music Player
Likewise, the use of headsets, earphones, MP3 or MP4player, and other portable music player device.
The results showed that when the tool connected digital music player with earphones playing at optimal or maximum volume (intensity of about 100 decibels), the ear should only be exposed to a maximum of 5 minutes per day.
At 90 percent volume (90 decibels) can only be exposed for 18 minutes. At 80 percent volume (80 decibels), can only be a maximum dose of 1.2 hours per day. And, in volume 70 per cent (70 decibels), can only be a maximum of about 4.6 hours per day.
Moreover, the risk will be greater noise trauma.
So, should be used at low volume because it will be safer.Another interesting fact is people with noisy trauma were more often experience hearing loss, especially at high frequencies.Of course, if this is not immediately addressed, hearing loss will occur at all frequencies, not just at the high frequency of 4000 Hertz. If it was only in 4000 Hertz, for long occurred notch in all frequency alias deaf.Ear RingingCauses of noise and ringing in the ears, almost 90 percent of cases showed symptoms of ringing in the ears (tinnitus).Experienced ringing, there are two kinds, namely ringing high notes as aircraft noise and low tone as the sound of air conditioner (AC).Both can occur and is usually accompanied by hearing loss. At the time of being in a crowded place, people find it difficult to hear due to decreased function of the cochlea. The background noise is very disturbing quality sound reception by the cochlea. For example, when in the mall, he will be confused because they can not hear.Actually, this noisy trauma cases could be prevented 100 percent. How, wary of noise around us.For example, use the music player device but do not need to set the volume (sound level) is full.Or, when parents take the children to the mall, you should consider how noisy the place. If it is too noisy, you should not need to linger. We must avoid or reduce exposure to noise actively.Equally important is the awareness among owners of business premises, such as shopping malls. It helps them measure the room noise (sound level meter) and announce it to the visitor.The effects of noise trauma itself there are two, namely temporary and permanent. In the temporary noise trauma, with adequate rest, ear function can be restored. However, permanent noise trauma is difficult to cure.Keep an eye on your childParents should be vigilant when taking children to play into the environment or a noisy playground.They must estimate how much such a noise level. If it is too noisy, you should not need to linger into the child's ear. At home, consider whether the hearing impaired children.
The easiest is when children watch TV. Typically, mothers at home are more sensitive. If the children tend to get closer to the TV screen or volume amplified by children, parents should be vigilant, because this could be an early symptom occurrence of hearing loss in children.If the child is fond of listening to music through earphones, make it a habit in order to put the volume in a state not fully comfortable in the sense of hearing for a long time.Do not let children still listen to music to fall asleep to the music player is still stuck in the ear. It is very dangerous for the hearing.Here are some tips or things you can do to begin to avoid the effects of cell phone radiation that might be detrimental to our health at another day. The following tips:Tips to Prevent Possible Radiation from Mobile Phones:1. Use the speaker or headset 

Headset does not emit as much radiation as cell phones. Researchers still do not agree to say which is more secure, whether wired headset or not. Because it is said, a headset with a cord is still issuing radiation, though in a small degree. So, if in a state of quiet, and does not interfere with other people, it is better if you occasionally answer the phone by using the speaker mode.2. Expand heard, reduce talk Phone emits radiation when you talk or typing an SMS, but do not emit radiation while receiving messages. Then, try to listen more when talking to the phone, rather than talking.3. SMS Mobile phones do not use a lot of energy when we send text rather than when the mobile charge of sending our voices. That is, power is reduced, the radiation released was also reduced. Moreover, when we are typing an SMS, it means we held the phone away from your head.4. As far as the arm
When you use the headset to answer the phone, try to keep the phone away from the ear, chest, or waist. These parts, including the stomach is part of the body that easily absorbs radiation. Try to keep the cell phone is receiving a call through the headset from your stomach.5. The signal is lost? Turn off the course.When the cell phone can not receive enough signal, he must expend more effort to locate towers faster. That is, more emissions that he remove it. When you have to use a phone, try signals are in full condition. Moreover, the phone is too long trying to find the signal will only be spent battery.6. No need protectors
When you use an additional protective sheath for the phone, meaning you close the phone line to be able to work optimally. That is, he will try harder to find the signal, so that more radiation that he remove.7. Reduce the use of mobile phones on children
 children have more than 100miliar brain cells. and Brain children can absorb twice the cell phone radiation more than adults. It is advised to keep children away from the phone to protect it from the dangers of the unknown in the future. Hopefully some of these suggestions can be useful at least can be applied to your child, I think the effect will be more disciplined and Positive impact
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