Siswadi users first bionic hand in Indonesia (Technologies for an arm and a fake hand for persons with disabilities in hand with the name of the Bionic Arm is very sensitive to the touch)

For this time the heroes want to discuss in world health that is not much fragrance techno that was developed from the highly innovative scientists in the field.Vision of this bionic arm is considering war fighters during this most miserable and sometimes overlooked due to his arm maimed by war or other military activities and for the disabled arm as a result of other accidents.

The heroes from the samples abroadAabo Dennis Sorensen, the Danish man who lost his left arm nine years ago, became the first man to test the prosthetic arm with touch sensor. Artificial arm is equipped with several sensors connected to a nerve in the upper arm Dennis left.
this is a result of nine years ago dennis left arm had to be amputated after an accident fireworks, from the moment it was put on fake hand dennis plain, ordinary prosthetic arm without a touch sensor as in general.

and dennis to volunteer for research bionic arm with sensors flavorings in the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne, Switzerland. For a month, Dennis sophisticated arms to test it with eyes and ears closed.
This prosthetic arm developed a joint research group of the Institute of Technology of Lausanne and the University of Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Italy. Head of the research team explains his Silvetro Micera embed a number of sensors in the bionic arm. The sensors are connected to a number of electrodes that is placed through a surgical procedure to the upper arm Dennis.As Sliman Bensmaia, neurologist University of Chicago who was not involved in the study, commented that this advanced bionic arm will be useful and facilitate the lives of disabled people.

 simultaneously that we have soldiers from Indonesia who uses bionic arm first in IndonesiaSergeant (Mar) Siswadi,He served as an instructor Combat Training Centre (Puslatpur) Marines Navy in Purboyo, South Malang. Siswadi charge of guiding 90 soldiers in training novice company and throw grenades. One grenade intended for each student. Of the total thrown, there are three that edema alias not explode.As an instructor, Siswadi responsible for securing the three grenades edema. He must ensure that the grenade is safe and does not harm anyone. Siswadi then walked into the woods. He combed the location to look for the three grenades edema. According to the procedure, he marks the grenade. Later grenade was detonated at certain intervals.The whole body is protected Siswadi anti granat shirt. However, his hand was not wearing any cover. Siswadi shocked when he realized his hands were destroyed. Blood flooded his shirt. Lucky, his head shielded helmets that do not participate exposed grenade splinters.causing bliau hand amputated, and the result was a bionic hand prepared for Siswadi. The robot hand is controlled electrical signals from muscles other hand are still functioning. The artificial hand imported from England. Its software from the United States.With the bionic hand, Siswadi can perform daily activities. For example, holding a spoon, cup, stationery, sweeping, throwing, and opened the door. All that is done without the help of others.Siswadi call the robot hand worth considering. Although the cost is not small, navy bear all such funding. Siswadi expressed thank Admiral Dr. Marsetio, a team of doctors, and all those who have helped him. He wished her happiness could be felt others.

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