Choosing Secrets For 5 Tips to Buy Account Clash of Clans (COC) Other People To Not Deceived

Purchase  account ID Clash of Clans is common practice today. With the increasing number of players Clash of Clans, highly many people who have started to character bored playing CoC and CoC wants to sell his account.

Not single-highhandedly are many people who throbbing to sell CoC account, people who longing to get elevate of an account CoC base of Town Hall high is with not few in number. By directly purchasing Clash of Clans account that has a high Town Hall, the person does not have to begin from graze again and furthermore benefit not require a long epoch to building process

If you are one of those people who set sights on to make a obtain of a Clash of Clans account of others. We offer advice that you get into the as soon as tips. In this article, The Heroes will find the child support for you some tips upon buying new people's accounts CoC.

Buying Tips Account ID Clash of Clans Others Buying Tips Account ID Clash of Clans Others

You need to know, make a get of Clash of Clans account of others is not as easy as buying goods in Lazada or auxiliary places online sales. Many cases of fraud past buying Clash of Clans account.

In order not affected by fraud or association matters, the subsequent to are tips and behavior to obtain CoC account of others in order to avoid things that are not desirable.

1. Direct Meeting

Meet taking into account the seller directly or COD is the event to reach subsequently buying a Clash of Clans account. With slope to approach, the possibility of fraud can diminalisir. Make certain to meet the seller in a crowded place and was plus together surrounded by connections you are playing and impinge on Clash of Clans.

2. Bring Laptop

Always carry a laptop considering than you ache to get CoC account. How to buy Clash of Clans account of others is the seller come in the works subsequent to the keep for email and password are associated bearing in mind Clash of Clans account to the buyer, later the buyer to log in and pretend Clash of Clansnya.

When you still in imitation of sellers CoC account and you are unconditional approximately buying his CoC account. Open the laptop you bring and Google Account login to the website using email and password seller.

3. Change Data

Once logged in to the website of the seller, realize fiddle considering every the data belonging to the seller become yours. The important event to be changed:

    No. Phone
    Enable Two-Step Verification
    Information and Personal Privacy

Once the data has been changed, ensue the adjacent-door step.

4. Delete All Connections

This will revoke all links Android devices that have been associated behind the account. Thus, there would unaccompanied be one of Android, which is yours alone.

Select the Sign & safety or Sign-in and security.


Find the device menu recently used / Recently used devices and select Preview Tool / Review Devices.


Select Android device that is not yours. Then select Delete


5. Remove Game Clash of Clans 

If you've done all of the above, then you did the last of the following ways.

    Borrow handphone seller.
    Uninstall Game Clash of Clans in mobile sellers.

By doing this way, the seller will not be able to access the account CoC has been sold to you. So you can play CoC safely without having to fear a warning "Another device is connecting to this village" and "Client and server out of Sync"

Those are some tips you can do to buy the Clash of Clans account of others. If you have more tips, you can share in the comments field.

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